Category: Home Health

home health physical therapy What Is Home Health Physical Therapy?

Staying within the comfort of your own home while still receiving the care that you need can be a boon for some individuals. Whether there are challenges with transportation to a remote therapy location or whether physical activity is difficult, it’s good to know that there are home health physical therapy options available to meet your needs from the professionals at Santé.

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Care Tips for Seniors Personal Care Tips for Seniors

Providing personal care for a loved one in your home can be both rewarding and challenging. Because their needs and routines differ from yours, providing care assistance doesn’t always come as naturally as you might guess. We hope these tips make it a little easier on you and your loved one.

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home health What exactly is home health?

Home health care can improve quality of life for those recovering from a hospital stay, fighting a terminal disease or nearing end of life. Santé offers a variety of services provided to patients in the comfort of their home. This is to ensure everyone receives a compassionate continuum of care throughout their recovery. Services include skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapy, social workers and home health aides.

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improve endurance How Seniors Can Improve Endurance

If an elderly loved one has lost body strength, they could be at risk for a debilitating health diagnosis. While preventing certain illnesses isn’t guaranteed, there are tremendous health benefits for those who exercise regularly. Healthy seniors also have a better chance of remaining independent in their elder years. Luckily, even if someone has never engaged in physical activity before, they can still improve endurance and enjoy the health benefits of regular exercise, no matter how old.

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Printable Checklist: Home Safety for Seniors

Seniors living on their own face potential challenges and dangers in their own home. Daily tasks like cooking and walking can be hazardous if the home is not properly assessed and modified for elderly occupants. There are some simple ways you can improve home safety for seniors. Download and complete the printable checklist below for safety tips and advice.  

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geriatric care Basic Signs Your Loved One Needs Geriatric Care

How do you know when a loved one needs geriatric care? It’s not always an easy decision, but the team at Santé can help. Signs your loved one needs geriatric care may become apparent when caring for them yourself. Some situations are more obvious, but others may leave you feeling unsure about what to do.

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continuing care Reasons Continuing Care is So Important

At Santé, short-term rehab, home health care, and many other health care services are delivered through a continuum of care that focuses on providing the best possible experience for patients and their loved ones throughout the course of their journey. This is the difference that sets Santé apart from other rehabilitation centers across the spectrum of care, from rehabilitation and skilled nursing to hospice and home health.

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in-home skilled nursing What to Expect from In-Home Skilled Nursing

In-home skilled nursing is a post-acute care option for patients who need continued care after an unexpected hospital stay or during treatment for a condition. Patients who need skilled nursing, and are able to go home, are ideal patients for in-home nursing services. At Santé, we know the importance of having family involved with the coordination of your loved one’s care. Here’s what you can expect from in-home skilled nursing.

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