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Category: Healthy Tips

warning signs 5 Warning Signs Your Loved One Needs Home Care

Aging happens differently for everyone. While some seniors remain active well into their 80s, others may experience a decline in physical or mental health. Your loved one may resist the idea of asking for help. That’s why it’s important for family members and friends to recognize the indications that an elderly person needs assistance. The earlier you see these five warning signs, the sooner you can get your loved one the help they require.

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balance exercises Simple Balance Exercises That You Can Do at Home

Every 11 seconds, an older American is treated for a fall-related injury. While falls aren’t totally preventable, there are things that everyone over 55 can do to help minimize the chances of a spill – for example, using assistive devices like canes or walkers if you have balance issues. Older adults can also strengthen muscles and improve balance with the help of specialized exercises.

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low impact aerobics Low Impact Aerobic Activities for Seniors

Things may slow down as we age, but it’s important to keep active. At Santé, we understand that regular exercise can help prevent conditions such as heart disease or diabetes. It can also boost a senior’s mood and provide an opportunity to socialize with other seniors. That’s why exercise or physical therapy is often a component of our home health care and in-facility rehabilitation programs.

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Changing Care Coordination 3 Ways Telehealth Innovation Is Changing Care Coordination

Care coordination is critical to ensuring that patients receive care that is aligned to their individual needs at all times, across all facilities, and across all care team members. As more healthcare providers and organizations seek to deliver patient-centric care, the delivery of care must evolve and leverage new technology for faster communication and better collaboration.

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