activities for seniors

Easy Activities for Seniors During Recovery After a Fall  

As we age, it can be difficult to realize that we don’t simply bounce back from challenges as we did decades before. A fall to a senior could mean much more than a loss of mobility: it could require extensive rehabilitation, surgery or other life-altering challenges. As they’re recovering, seniors are likely to need mental as well as physical support in order to improve their health and mobility and these suggestions may help. Here are a few easy activities for seniors to try to regain their strength and confidence.

Selecting the Right Exercises

Depending on the severity of the fall, your loved one may need to spend a significant amount of time prone or sitting while they recover. This can quickly reduce their strength and muscle tone, critical aspects of healthy walking and movement. Regular work with a physical therapist can offer the insight that you need to safely encourage them to incorporate movement into their daily life.

Finding Their Balance

As we age, we can find that our center of gravity feels off for a variety of reasons. A sudden change in blood pressure upon standing can cause an unexpected feeling of lightheadedness, which can be extremely dangerous for seniors. Core exercises and continual practice are highly beneficial as a way to improve balance as seniors increase their mobility after a fall.

Try Sitting Exercises

You don’t have to stand to perform strengthening exercises, and seniors can benefit greatly from simple movements such as leg lifts and arm raises. If they are struggling psychologically with the effects of the fall, you might find that sitting or lying with them and doing the exercises together can help turn something that might be a chore into a fun bonding time that you will both benefit from.

Helping your friends or family members recover after a fall will take time. It’s good to know that the caring professionals at Santé are there to help with any in-home support such as physical therapy to improve endurance. Contact us anytime at 480-563-2402 to learn more about our physical therapy or home healthcare assistance, where we provide trusted and vetted individuals for all of your safety standby assistance needs. Visit us online to learn more about our various locations or to request a call from our team.

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