5 Signs Palliative Care is Right for You

Everything changes the day you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness. There are treatment options to consider, family discussions to schedule and choices to be make about care. One of the most crucial decisions for a terminally ill patient to make is whether hospice or palliative care is the best option. According to the Center to Advance Palliative Care, about six million Americans could benefit from palliative services.

Unlike hospice, which focuses on end-of-life issues, palliative care is about how you want to live. Pain management and symptom relief are top priorities. At Santé, we understand that symptoms such as labored breathing, severe pain, cramping and nausea can be difficult to live with. One of the major goals of our palliative care program is to ease pain and symptoms so that you can get back to making memories with your loved ones.  

Here are five signs that palliative care might be right for your situation.

  • Symptoms are in the Way

One of the top reasons terminally ill individuals choose palliative care is that it focuses on relieving pain and symptoms that make everyday tasks difficult. This includes symptoms of the disease itself, plus any side effects of medication or treatment that you may experience. Santé’s trained caregivers are available 24 hours a day to help with pain management and symptom relief, whether you’re at home or in a care facility. 

  • The Timing is Right

We recommend that potential patients begin palliative care as soon as possible. The earlier you get started with pain management, symptom relief and disease treatment, the sooner you can return to activities such as gardening or family dinners. Patients can opt for palliative care at any stage of a terminal illness.

  • You Need Support

At Santé, we understand that you are more than your disease. Patients have individual support needs that can range from emotional comfort to guidance about treatment options. That’s why our palliative care services include spiritual support and counseling opportunities, in addition to practical solutions such as home care or assistance with daily tasks.    

  • You’re Focused on the Now

Palliative care is an excellent option for patients concerned with day-to-day living. Santé’s palliative care program includes early consultations about pain management and symptoms so you can return to daily activity as soon as possible.

  • You Believe that Living Well is Important

Palliative care is designed to help you live better now. That’s why some palliative care patients forgo difficult treatment options in favor of a care regimen that better supports their need to spend time with loved ones. A person who chooses palliative care may still receive curative treatments; however, the focus remains on quality of life.

Palliative care can be provided at any age, and at any time. Santé offers round-the-clock support for patients at home or in a care facility, and can assist with every aspect of managing a terminal illness from pain management to figuring out healthcare coverage. If you or a loved one are considering palliative care for a terminal illness, contact us today at 480-563-2402.

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