FAQs To Help With Heart Attack Recovery
There is no question that a heart attack can have a major impact on a person’s life. Understandably, patients want to know why a heart attack occurred and what life will be like moving forward.
At Santé, we believe that empowering patients in their recovery is a critical part of the healing process. That is why we support patient education and providing essential information so that heart attack patients have a better understanding of their situation and what it will take to recover.
Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding heart attack recovery.
What treatments do I need during the recovery period?
As every patient is different, so is every patient’s treatment plan. Working with your doctor, we customize your recovery plan to meet your individual needs. The most common components of a successful treatment plan are medications and lifestyle changes, but some patients may require surgery as well. Again, your individual treatment is dependent on your particular situation.
When can I return to work?
Return-to-work time varies greatly from one patient to the next. It all depends on severity of the heart attack. Some patients are able to return just a couple of weeks later while others require extensive cardiac rehabilitation and up to three months off of work. The intention should be focused on the appropriate amount of recovery time rather than returning to work too soon and possibly triggering another heart episode.
What emotions can I expect to experience?
Patients can experience a wide spectrum of emotions in the months following their heart attack, including anger, fear, and depression. But it is also possible to experience an appreciation for life and a new commitment to better health
Whatever you are feeling, know that it is perfectly normal. A heart attack is a major life event. However, the more positive your perspective, the healthier your recovery can be. Engaging with others, maintaining an active social life, and participating in activities that bring enjoyment can help combat any negative emotions. When contrary thoughts interfere with eating or sleeping or if other adverse reactions are in affect, you should notify your doctor right away.
Why is rehabilitation so important?
Cardiac rehabilitation sets into motion the changes you need to make in order to prevent or decrease risk of further problems. When you are participating in cardiac rehab with our qualified team at Santé, we work with you to establish an exercise routine, manage stress levels, and make healthy diet choices. We also help to implement your medication regimen in a safe setting. In essence, our goal is to partner with you to help you on your path to complete recovery.
To learn more about cardiac rehabilitation following a heart attack, contact our dedicated professionals at Santé today. We put our heart and soul into your wellness and recovery.