Santé | To Your Health!

If you had to choose a single word to convey your mission, vision, and commitment to those you serve, what would it be? We asked ourselves this question when naming our patient-centered family of properties. What single word describes the lengths we go to for our patients? The outcome of their time with us? The benefits of our compassionate staff?

The word is Santé.

For us, it is Santé. This single impactful word, French for “health,” encompasses what we do and why we do it. Every service we offer and every authentic caregiver we hire advances our purpose: to restore and rebuild the health of our patients.

We focus on quality.

Health is at the core of both quality and quantity of life and can have a dramatic impact on each of us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. At Santé, our goal transcends beyond extending life and hones in on creating quality of life through strength, dignity, and independence.

We take a multifaceted approach to health restoration which includes:

  • Comfortable, familiar, home-like facilities and patient suites
  • A full spread of amenities that promote comfort and recovery
  • On-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy to ensure patients receive the therapies they need without the inconvenience of leaving the building
  • A low staff-to-patient ratio that provides individualized attention to each patient in our care
  • Skilled nursing services around the clock for maximum patient safety and monitoring
  • Open communication between the care team, the physician, the patient, and their family
  • A program that encourages family involvement

While every patient’s journey is unique, our goal for the outcome is the same: to help our patients become stronger and healthier when they leave our care.

To learn more about our services and amenities at Santé, visit us on the web or in person today!

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