Staying Connected With Family Using Technology

Technology plays a critical role in patient care at any healthcare facility. For example, electronic medical records ensure that the entire care team has information in real time, scanners save time and prevent medication errors, and ID badge technology provides additional security to our patients.

But there is another way that technology plays a part in patient care during their stay. At Santé, we believe that the human factor is also essential in the overall well-being of our guests. For that reason, we encourage technology so our guests can stay connected to their loved ones during their post acute rehab stay.

Here are some ways to keep in touch with your loved one while at Santé:

  1. Bring a cell phone. While rooms at Santé are all equipped with a telephone available for our guests’ use, many patients love the convenience that bringing a cell phone offers. All of your numbers are easily accessible and text messaging offers an easy way to reach your busy friends and family.
  2. Sign up for social media. If you are not already on Facebook or Instagram, now may be the time to get connected. Social media allows you to stay in touch with family and friends in a visual way. You can keep up with all of your grandchildren’s activities, for instance, and stay abreast on exciting news in your family and social circle.
  3. Use a video calling application such as Skype or Facetime. This is another benefit of bringing your cell phone, but a tablet or laptop can work just as well. When you visit with your loved ones face to face with video calling, it feels like they are right there with you.
  4. Replace snail mail with email. Emailing allows you to send a receive private letters in a moment’s time rather than through the postal service, which can take up to a week to make it from one place to another. Chances are that many of your family and friends use email, so you will want to ask them for the addresses ahead of time if you do not already have them.

Of course, our friendly staff members at Santé are also on hand to provide caring human interaction during your stay. But if you want to keep in close contact with your loved ones, technology is always a great way to go.

For more information about our services at Santé, contact us at any of our convenient locations throughout Arizona.

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