Restorative And Physical Therapy For Elderly
As you age, it is not uncommon to lose muscle tone and muscle mass or experience joint pain and stiffness. These changes can limit mobility and result in decreased independence. However, the right restorative or physical therapy for elderly patients and residents can play a critical role in their overall function and quality of life.
In most cases, restorative therapy should be completed frequently in order to be effective – often as many as five to seven times per week. Your restorative therapy program may include ambulation (walking), propelling your wheelchair, standing, or special exercises.
Pain Management
Restorative therapy can help decrease chronic pain by keeping the muscles and joints limber, decreasing joint stiffness, and improving mobility. When mobility improves, it becomes easier and easier to complete your restorative therapy.
Improved Mobility
Restorative therapy is designed to improve your mobility, or making walking, repositioning, standing up, sitting down, and transferring from one place to the next easier. It can be much easier to function from day to day when you are able to get around your home, apartment, or room safely. In addition, mobile residents are less likely to develop pressure ulcers.
Improved Independence
The more you are able to move around without assistance, the great number of daily tasks you can complete for yourself. Many patients and residents find that activities like feeding themselves, bathing themselves, brushing their own teeth, and dressing themselves increase their sense of pride and dignity and improve their quality of life.
Increased Quality Of Life
Because pain, immobility, and total dependence can negatively impact quality of life, restorative therapy ultimately increases quality of life for patients and residents.
To learn more about the high quality restorative and physical therapy for elderly patients and residents offered at Santé, contact our caring and compassionate staff today. We are here to help.