What is Included in Post Acute Rehab

post acute rehabPost acute rehab is typically a temporary stopping place on a patient’s journey home. As the name implies, this sort of rehabilitation is for patients who have been hospitalized for acute care such as major surgery, but who aren’t quite ready to go home. At Santé, we specialize in rehabilitation, including post acute rehab.

Many different health care professionals participate in the post acute rehab process. Each brings a different set of skills the patient needs. These various disciplines collaborate with each other and typically plan care in a coordinated fashion. They meet or communicate regularly to determine how the health care goals can be met.

Post acute rehab includes nursing care, which may be provided by registered nurses, licensed practical or vocational nurses, as well as nursing assistants or aides. Nurses provide the basics of hygiene and skin care, help patients with meals, administer medications and coordinate care. Another professional discipline always found in post acute rehabilitation is physical therapy. The goals of physical therapy are to promote mobility and relieve pain through exercise and other therapies.

Occupational therapy shares some characteristics of physical therapy, but the focus is on helping patients with activities of daily living. For example, a physical therapist helps patients learn to walk again, while an occupational therapist might help them learn to feed themselves or brush their teeth after a stroke. Occupational therapists use or modify basic tools like forks or combs to allow patients with disabilities to use them.

Speech and language pathologists work with people who have strokes or other problems that affect swallowing and speech. Social workers identify and help solve problems like financial constraints and insurance difficulties. Mental health professionals deal with problems like anxiety and depression. Dietitians help ensure patients are properly nourished, and case managers help coordinate all aspects of care.

As you can see, one of the great advantages of post acute rehab is the presence of multiple health care professionals, each of whom provides an important piece of the many therapies a patient needs. At Santé we want to assure our patients receive all services necessary to speed their journey home.

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