Short Term Care | Independence at Home

short term careAs a short term care property, our goal at Santé is to not only get you home sooner, but to provide you with the skills you need to live as independently as possible when you get there. Why? Because independence at home improves quality of life.

Most patients take great pride in the things they create, whether it’s a good recipe, a clean home, a song on the piano, or a cross-stitched work of art. Creating passes the time and builds feelings of self-esteem and self worth. It often brings back warm memories. These innate abilities, however, can be lost in a moment’s time if full recovery isn’t achieved after injury, illness, or surgery.

Other tasks we often take for granted that improve quality of life include showering without help, folding clothes, washing dishes, getting the mail, and using the bathroom independently. Being able to brush your hair or apply makeup is sometimes all it takes to feel put together and presentable. We often fail to consider what a privilege it is to perform these tasks independently. But at Santé, we know what a valuable gift it is for our patients.

Have you ever considered how drastically life might change if you are unable to climb the stairs to your home, make your bed, or feed your cat? We have, and that’s why we’ve dedicated our life’s work to making sure every patient leaves here better than they came.

Santé’s short term care in the rehabilitation realm is designed for exactly this purpose. We work with you to find out what you like to do, what you want to do, and what you hope to do. Then we design a customized rehabilitation plan to get you there. Our hope is that when you return home, you are able to live with the highest standards of quality. For some, that means writing letters while for others, that means scrubbing the floor on their hands and knees. Whatever makes you feel good, makes us feel good.

Contact us here for more information on how we can help.

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