Santé Cares

Are There Limits To The Home Health Care You Can Receive?

At Santé, we understand a patient’s desire to stay in his or her own home as long as possible. That is why we offer home health care services to meet a variety of basic needs. Our caring team of professionals takes each patient’s essential requirements into account when customizing individualized plans for home health care. We also take the time to listen to our patients so that we can accommodate their specific situations.

Our home health care services included the following:


One concern our patients want to know about is how long they can receive home health care. There are several factors that are considered when answering this question:


Most important to note is that home health care services are available to anyone who would like to receive assistance. But, depending on your circumstances, you will need to factor in the cost of home health care and/or whether or not your insurance will cover your expenses and requests. Our staff will be happy to work with you to determine what might best work for you.

To learn more about home health services from your local trusted Santé, stop in or visit us online today.

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