Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life, such as a terminally ill person who’s expected to have six months or less to live. Hospice services are provided by a team of health care professionals who provides comprehensive comfort care as well as support for the family.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Hospice Care.

Is Hospice a place?

Hospice is a service, not a place.  Hospice care is provided wherever you reside.  In some short-term circumstances for care giver respite or uncontrolled symptom management Aleca hospice can provide in-patient care in our beautiful short-term nursing and rehabilitation facilities.

Will Hospice hasten my death?

No, hospice provides comfort care that promotes quality of life.  Through symptom management patients who receive hospice care report more quality of life and sometimes increased length of life as suffering is relieved.  Some patients improve on hospice care and return to other care models.

What are the similarities between Palliative and Hospice care? 

One of the primary elements of hospice is palliative care, which is designed to lessen pain or discomfort so the patient can spend more time with friends and family. Your hospice care team will do everything they can to make you comfortable and facilitate visits with your loved ones. 

How will I receive Hospice care? 

Hospice goes beyond physical care. When you arrange for hospice services, you have access to a dedicated team that includes a social worker, chaplain and compassionate volunteers. Our interfaith chaplain can provide spiritual guidance, while social workers offer secular counseling and help the patient access community resources. Hospice provides services for the patient and for the family and care givers supporting the patient.

Does Hospice care require hospitalization? 

No, hospice has a goal to keep you out of the hospital.  Hospice staff are available 24 hours a day to provide support, answer questions or make a visit for symptom management.  Hospice care offers more flexibility in where patients spend their remaining time. With more options, you can choose to spend as much time as possible in a soothing place, surrounded by our caring staff and your loved ones. 

What about my family?

Many patients in the final stages of life are concerned about how their friends and family members are coping. Our social workers and chaplain are here to help your loved ones through this difficult time. Volunteers may be provided to help relieve family members who are caring for their loved ones at home. Hospice also provides continued bereavement support for 13 months after a loved one passes away to anyone that may be in need.

What is the cost for Hospice care?

Medicare, Medicaid, the Department of Veterans Affairs and private insurance typically pay for hospice care. While each hospice program has its own policy regarding payment for care, services are often offered based on need rather than the ability pay. Santé is an approved Medicare provider. If you have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and meet the Medicare conditions, you pay nothing for hospice care.

Aleca Hospice is here for you! Rest assured you and your family are in good hands. Care is customized for the patient and available round-the-clock, 7 days a week. Contact us to inquire about hospice care options.

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