Santé Cares

How Seniors Can Improve Endurance

improve endurance

If an elderly loved one has lost body strength, they could be at risk for a debilitating health diagnosis. While preventing certain illnesses isn’t guaranteed, there are tremendous health benefits for those who exercise regularly. Healthy seniors also have a better chance of remaining independent in their elder years. Luckily, even if someone has never engaged in physical activity before, they can still improve endurance and enjoy the health benefits of regular exercise, no matter how old.


If a loved one has become immobile due to physical ailments, developing a moderate daily exercise routine can help. There are many muscles in the body that don’t get a lot of use as we become older and less active. It’s important to wake those muscles up and get the oxygen flowing to all areas of the body.




Before starting an exercise program, be sure to consult your doctor or physical therapist. The Santé team provides a comprehensive and compassionate range of services. If you’re interested in learning more about our home health services, call us at (480) 563-2402.

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