Santé Cares

Safety Checklist for Seniors Living at Home

Seniors Living at Home

Nearly 90 percent of seniors plan to remain at home in their Golden Years, according to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). There are many advantages of home living, from increased independence to comfort, familiarity and accessibility to nearby family and friends. When a senior chooses this option, rather than moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility, loved ones often worry about the safety of their elderly relative.

What happens if a senior has a fall while at home? Is the neighborhood safe? Can anyone help with daily activities? These are just a few of the concerns that children and other relatives may have when seniors decide to continue living on their own. At Santé, we understand the issues that seniors living alone may face and the concerns that loved ones have. Our home health care program provides needed medical care for your parent or relative while also addressing many of the safety issues that seniors have at home.

To help you get started, we’ve provided a helpful checklist of tips to ensure your loved one’s safety at home. Once you’ve reviewed the list, our caring and well-trained staff can help address any major concerns.

Trips & Spills

According to the CDC, each year one in four seniors aged 65 and older has a fall. Many of their injuries require a hospital stay and/or post-acute care at a facility such as Santé. To minimize the possibility of falls in a senior’s home:

Security Risks

Many adults worry about the security of their aging parent’s home. More than half of all reported crimes against seniors happen in or near their homes. Take these steps to increase the security in your loved one’s home.

Home health care goes beyond help with everyday tasks. Santé’s team of physicians, nurses, home health aides and specialty therapists assist with everything from providing in-home tests and administering medication to tackling household errands. Call 480-563-2402, contact us online or visit one of our Arizona post-acute care facilities for more information.

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