Santé Cares

Rehabilitation Center | A Healing Mindset

rehabilitation centerFinding a rehabilitation center that values and cares for you as a whole person may feel challenging. At Santé, we identify the connection between body and mind and design our care models to address both critical components. Our compassionate staff members understand that healing is dependent not only on quality care and rehabilitation, but also emotional support throughout the process.

The Mind/Body Connection

Your mindset as you heal from illness, injury, or surgery is very important because your body reacts physically to negative thoughts and emotions. Consider the way your heart races or your stomach turns when you feel nervous or anxious. Significant stress can affect the body, too, in even more detrimental ways. Common stress-related diagnoses include shingles, stomach ulcers, and unhealthy weight loss.

By mastering a healing mindset, you allow your body to support quick and complete physical healing.

What is a Healing Mindset?

Patients who have mastered a healing mindset are in good emotional health. They are aware of their thoughts and feelings and they redirect negative thoughts as they arise. As a result, they cope with stress in healthy way.

Steps You Can Take

At Santé, we are a rehabilitation center that cares about every aspect of healing. We invite you to visit your local Arizona Santé to experience for yourself how we focus on all of you and your recovery.

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