Santé Cares

Nursing & Rehab At Home | Staying Out Of The Hospital

nursing & rehab at homeIt can be disheartening to heal up and get settled in at home, just to end up back in the hospital a few days later. However, there are many simple measures you can take to stay out of the hospital that include nursing & rehab at home:

  1. Follow the doctor’s orders. Set your medications up using a medication planner and set an alarm or timer to keep yourself on track. Missing just a single dose of certain medications can cause serious health complications.
  2. Drink plenty of water. Failing to drink an adequate amount of water can result in dehydration, low blood pressure, constipation, dry skin, and other complications that can put you at risk of more serious health issues.
  3. Wear shoes at home. Wearing safe shoes with a rubber sole can prevent slips and falls at home. If you don’t like to wear shoes in your home for housekeeping purposes, considering purchasing a pair of ergonomic shoes dedicated to inside wear.
  4. Watch your weight. Both gaining and losing weight can be increasingly hard as you age; make healthy food choices to maintain a healthy weight and consider supplementing with protein shakes if you’re still underweight.
  5. Take vitamins. Vitamins and minerals can have a dramatic impact on how well your body fights infections and heals after injury or illness. Taking your vitamins as recommended by your doctor can keep you in tip-top shape longer.
  6. Accept help at home. If there are a few tasks that are getting harder for you, consider asking for help. Perhaps you need a little assistance taking care of your toenails, bathing, or scrubbing the floors. Having nursing & rehab at home is safer than doing it yourself and risking a fall.
  7. Work to strengthen your muscles. Simple, stationary exercises can help you build strength, which can decrease your risk of falls or injuries and making cooking, dressing, and getting around easier and safer.
  8. Use nightlights. Keeping the house well-lit at night can prevent missed steps, trips, and resulting injuries.
  9. Modify your home. Installing simple handrails in the shower, alongside the toilet, and near stairs as well as slip-proof mats in the shower can increase your safety at home and decrease your risk of injury.
  10. Call your doctor right away if you notice any changes in your condition; don’t wait for it to worsen before seeking help.

To learn more about nursing & rehab at home or staying out of the hospital, contact a Santé location near you.

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