Santé Cares

At Home Care | Advice For Caregivers

Providing at home care for a loved one can be extremely trying. You want to give them the very best but it isn’t always easy. Failing to recognize your own limitations and seek rest when you need it can result in burnout or stress. And this can have a dramatic impact on your personal and professional life.

At Santé, we understand the needs of family caregivers and want to offer some compassionate advice. The following suggestions can help you prevent caregiver burnout so you can continue to take care of not only your loved one, but yourself.

Talk About It

If providing care to a loved one is beginning to feel overwhelming, speak up about your feelings. Don’t be afraid to admit that you feel overwhelmed or that you feel like you can’t keep up. Sharing your feelings can help you build a support network. It can also make coping just a little bit easier and provide a fresh perspective on the situation.

Say No

Never feel guilty about saying no when you know you’ve reached your limit. Agreeing to take on additional responsibility when you are physically or emotionally unable doesn’t benefit anyone. Be honest and say no, and then choose not to feel guilty for making the right decision. If you can find an alternate solution, then it can be one less thing to think about.

Take A Break

Spend at least a half hour each day doing something relaxing and enjoyable. Continue to take care of yourself while you take care of your loved one. Keep your hair appointments and doctor appointments. Spend time with friends and family in social settings. And go out of your way to laugh and be entertained.

Join A Support Group

Local and online caregiver support groups are designed to provide you with the support and guidance you need to effectively manage your stress in these difficult times. Consider sharing your feelings with a support group and learning more about their experiences and how others deal with various emotions and situations. Connecting with those who understand just where you can can definitely help.

Get Help

If your loved one needs 24-hour assistance, consider sharing the burden with other family members, seeking in-home care or exploring long-term care options. It’s okay to get help.

At Santé, we care about your loved ones, and we care about you. To learn about options for at home care should your loved one need any of our home health care services, contact us at here.

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